Why spend money for a new rack or basket if the one you have can be repaired? Or, maybe you thought by buying a cheaper stainless steel basket or rack you'd be saving $$$, but very quickly the coating started chipping. What if the welds didn't hold up? Not to worry, Artcraft Welding offers repair services for SS parts cleaning baskets and racks–no matter who did the manufacturing.
Original rack only four years old
Coating is clearly coming off
As an example, the stainless steel rack shown above is only four years old but the coating is clearly coming off in many places.
Coating Stripped off
Final rack: Recoated and looks like new
As these pictures illustrate, Artcraft was able to strip off the basket’s old coating and recoat, providing our customer with a much longer basket life cycle.
Even if you started with an excellent rack or basket, environment plays a big part in how often stainless steel racks or baskets need repair. Some common issues Artcraft fixes are:
As you can see, after sending them to Artcraft these repaired parts cleaning baskets look as good as new.
You can even choose color coding for different usage or lot differentiation.
AND to avoid worst case scenarios, Artcraft works with our customers to set up recommended maintenance schedules based on their specific stainless steel basket or racks’ requirements.